Two Rivers Farm is a work center that offers the full spectrum of the practices and methods of G. I. Gurdjieff's teaching. Members meet weekly for discussion groups, movements, morning preparation, and frequently attend concerts and events where music is shared and experienced.
Study Groups
Weekly group meetings are held in which we explore our own experience in the light of Gurdjieff’s teaching. Although knowledge of Gurdjieff’s ideas provides an important foundation, group work gives us opportunities to apply the ideas to our own lives, exchange observations and ask questions. We emphasize practical self-study rather than theorizing or philosophizing. Groups are guided by leaders who have spent most of their lives studying in an oral tradition that has been passed down through a direct lineage from Gurdjieff.
While the real nature and purpose of these movements can be understood only from the direct experience of practicing the movements, it nevertheless can be said that they lead to the attainment and maintenance of a more awakened state. The work at movements requires a double attention, learning the ordered combination of gestures and positions, while striving to be aware of oneself as a whole. In this way the human organism is used as an apparatus for self study, for knowing oneself and confronting the internal question “who am I?”
*Photo from the TRF 1994 demonstration in Portland, Oregon.
Gurdjieff, in collaboration with his dedicated pupil Thomas de Hartmann, composed a collection of musical works during their years together at the Prieure in the 1920's. This music was created as an integral part of an all encompassing teaching whose influence speaks to all three centers---mental, physical, and emotional. Gurdjieff understood that words alone could not unlock the innermost parts of ourselves and set them free. His music can have the effect of awakening emotions and deep questioning beyond what can be expressed through thought or movement. The continued study of this music and of the music composed and improvised for the movements is an ongoing practice for musicians of all skill levels at Two Rivers Farm.