Two Rivers Farm is honored to sponsor Ravi Ravindra’s talk, A Hindu Meets a Christian on a Spiritual Journey. We believe that Ravi’s extensive experience and understanding place him in a unique position to inspire and support our individual searches.
Ravi Ravindra was born and received his early education in India before moving to Canada. He was a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in 1977 and a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study at Shimla in 1978 and 1998. He was the founding Director of the Threshold Award for Integrative Knowledge (1978-80) and a pilot Professor of Science and Spirituality at the California Institute of Integral Studies in 1989.
At present, Dr. Ravindra is Professor Emeritus at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, where he was Professor and Chair of Comparative Religion, Professor of International Development Studies, and Adjunct Professor of Physics.
In addition to a profound study of the great traditions, Ravi Ravindra has had a long-standing and serious engagement with spiritual search. He has been nourished by his close association with Krishnamurti, with Zen, and with the Gurdjieff Work.
Please join us for this special evening with Ravi Ravindra at The Breathe Building. Suggested donations at the door: $15 - $50.